Elementary Course Word List


("-er than")bǐ (10)


0líng (9)


11 a.m.-1 p.m.wǔ (5)


2 kilometerlǐ (4)


50gliǎng (2)


6th heavenly stemjǐ (3)


7th earthly branchwǔ (5)


ablenéng (5)
according toyǐ (7)
to admitrèn (5)
adv. indicating an action in progresszài (4)
to advanceyù (10)
afterhòu (8)
after以后yǐ hòu (7)
afternoon下午xià wǔ (5, 8)
afterwardshòu (8)
afterwards以后yǐ hòu (7)
againzài (1)
airqì (1, 10)
air temperature气温qì wēn (10)
alldōu (8)
all rightxíng (5)
alreadydōu (8)
alsohái (4)
alsoyě (1)
America美国měi guó (6.p)
amongzhōng (3, 5)
andhé (2)
angerqì (1, 10)
to announcebào (10)
appearxiàn (4)
to appear (to be sth)jiàn (1)
appearanceyàng (4)
to askwèn (1)
to assistbāng (5)
atmosphere气候qì hòu (10)
autumn秋天qiū tiān (10)
awaithòu (5)


backhòu (8)
to beshì (1)
be able tohuì (4)
be acquainted with认识rèn shi (5)
to be bornshēng (1)
to be calledjiào (1)
to be familiar with认识rèn shi (1, 5)
to be going toyào (5)
be heard听说tīng shuō (10)
to be told听说tīng shuō (10)
becauseyīn (5)
because因为yīn wèi (5)
beforehandyù (10)
to begin开始kāi shǐ (5)
behindhòu (8)
belowxià (8)
beneathdī (10)
bigdà (3)
birthday生日shēng rì (9)
a bit一点儿yì diǎn er (4)
blow (of the wind)guā (10)
blunt不客气bú kè qì (1)
bookshū (5)
bothdōu (8)
bothliǎng (2)
braveyīng (5)
brightmíng (5)
brothers兄弟xiōng dì (2)
business生意shēng yì (7)
businessyè (7)
business card名片míng piàn (1)
(business) company公司gōng sī (7)
busymáng (8)
but可是kě shì (6)
butzhǐ (4)
byyǐ (7)


to calljiào (1)
cannéng (5)
capablenéng (5)
capablexíng (5)
capacitydù (10)
to carvekè (8)
causeyīn (5)
centerzhōng (3, 5)
characterzì (1)
charttú (8)
cheerfullè (9)
Chinazhōng (3, 5)
Chinesehàn (4)
Chinesezhōng (3, 5)
Chinese character汉字Hàn zì (4)
Chinese language汉语hàn yǔ (4)
Chinese language中文zhōng wén (5)
Chinese name李明lǐ míng (1.p)
Chinese surnamewáng (1.p)
classbān (8)
classbān (8)
classkè (8)
class is over下课xià kè (8)
classicsjīng (10)
clearmíng (5)
clearqíng (10)
climate气候qì hòu (10)
coldlěng (10)
coldliáng (10)
to comelái (3)
to come or go or get off work下班xià bān (8)
commongōng (7)
common一般yì bān (8)
companysī (7)
compare比较bǐ jiào (10)
comparejiào (10)
to comparebǐ (10)
competentxíng (5)
to completebì (7)
compodrzuò (4)
(conj) thennà (2)
construction工作gōng zuò (4)
contrast比较bǐ jiào (10)
to contrastbǐ (10)
cooked ricefàn (8)
coolliáng (10)
correct不错bú cuò (6)
countryguó (3)
courtyardyuàn (5)
cuisinefàn (8)
culturewén (5)
to cureyī (5)
currentjīn (9)
currentxiàn (4)
customfēng (10)
customerkè (1)
to cutkè (8)


daughter女儿nǚ ér (2)
David大卫dà wèi (6.p)
dayrì (4)
daytiān (5)
day of a monthhào (9)
day-to-day经常jīng cháng (10)
daylyrì (4)
degreedù (10)
desireyì (7)
diagramtú (8)
dialectyǔ (4)
differentchà (8)
difficultnán (6)
difficult (to...)nán (6)
difficultynán (6)
distinctjiào (10)
to doxíng (5)
to dozuò (7)
doctoryī (5)
don't mention it不客气bú kè qì (1)
dotdiǎn (4)
dragonlóng (9)
drawingtú (8)
duringzhōng (5)


eachměi (8)
early morning早上zǎo shang (1)
to eatchī (8)
elder brother哥哥gē ge (2)
elder sister姐姐jiě jie (2)
eldestdà (3)
elsehái (4)
engineer工程师gōng chéng shī (4)
engineering工程gōng chéng (4, 7)
an engineering project工程gōng chéng (4, 7)
English (language)英语yīng yǔ (5)
to engravekè (8)
entirely (due to)eachdōu (8)
especially特别tè bié (10)
-estzuì (10)
evendōu (8)
evening晚上wǎn shang (1)
everyměi (8)
every day每天měi tiān (8)
everyday经常jīng cháng (10)
existzài (3)
expensiveguì (1)
expertshī (1)
to express good wisheszhù (9)
extraordinarytè (10)


fairly比较bǐ jiào (10)
familyjiā (2)
family namexìng (1)
fastkuài (6)
father爸爸bà ba (2)
to feel觉得jué de (6)
ferventrè (10)
fewxiǎo (8)
a fewjǐ (2)
a few几个jǐ ge (6)
fine (weather)qíng (10)
to finishbì (7)
to finish school毕业bì yè (7)
Finland芬兰Fēn lán (3.p)
Finnish (language)芬兰语fēn lán yǔ (4)
flakepiàn (1)
floweryīng (5)
fluent流利liú lì (6)
to followgēn (7)
followcóng (3)
foodfàn (8)
forwèi (5)
for what reason为什么wèi shén me (5)
forecast预报yù bào (10)
forgive me对不起duì bu qǐ (6)
formalwén (5)
formulachéng (4, 7)
frequently经常jīng cháng (10)
friend朋友péng you (2)
fromcóng (3)
fromzì (3)


gangbāng (5)
gasqì (1, 10)
general一般yì bān (8)
to give birthshēng (1)
glad高兴gāo xìng (1)
to goqù (5)
to goxíng (5, 5)
to go backhuí (8)
to go downxià (8)
to go or come outchū (8)
to go out出去chū qù (8)
to go to a place到...去dào ... qù (6)
to go to bed睡觉shuì jiào (8)
to go to work上班shàng bān (8)
goodhǎo (1)
goodbye再见zài jiàn (1)
to graduate毕业bì yè (7)
graduation毕业bì yè (7)
greatdà (3)
groupbāng (5)
to growshēng (1)
guestkè (1)


habitxí (4)
halfbàn (8)
hallguǎn (8)
the Han(nationality)hàn (4)
Hangzhou (city in China)杭州Háng zhōu (7.p)
happy高兴gāo xìng (1)
happy快乐kuài lè (9)
happylè (9)
to haveyǒu (2)
have a meeting开会kāi huì (8)
to have lessons有课yǒu kè (8)
have notméi (2)
haven't没有méi yǒu (2)
hetā (2)
heartīng (6)
heatrè (10)
to heat uprè (10)
heaventiān (5)
to helpbāng (5)
highgāo (10)
himtā (2)
homejiā (2)
honorable (designation)gōng (7)
to hopeqī (9)
hospital医院yī yuàn (5)
hot (of weather)rè (10)
hourshí (5, 8)
hour小时xiǎo shí (8)
housejiā (2)
howzěn (4)
How about(interrogative particle)ne (1)
how about?怎么样zěn me yàng (4)
how are things?怎么样zěn me yàng (4)
how manyjǐ (2, 8)
how muchjǐ (2, 8)
how was it?怎么样zěn me yàng (4)
how?怎么样zěn me yàng (4)
however可是kě shì (6)
hugedà (3)


Iwǒ (1)
(I'm) sorry对不起duì bu qǐ (6)
ideayì (7)
if...then要是...就yào shì ... jiù (6)
imperiallóng (9)
impolite不客气bú kè qì (1)
importantyào (5)
inzài (3)
inzhōng (3, 5)
in a cheerful mood高兴gāo xìng (1)
in additionhái (4)
in advanceyù (10)
in order toyǐ (7)
in the evening傍晚bàng wǎn (10)
in the future以后yǐ hòu (7)
to inclinedī (10)
individualgè (2)
to informbào (10)
insidelǐ (4)
institutionyuàn (5)
an interrogative particlema (1)
to interviewjiàn (1)
to introduce介绍jiè shào (3)
to introduceshào (3)
introducejiè (3)
introduction介绍jiè shào (3)
it dependskàn (5)


Japan日本rì běn (4)
Japanese日本rì běn (4)
job工作gōng zuò (4)
journeychéng (4, 7)
justgōng (7)
justzhǐ (4)


kindbān (8)
to knowrèn (5)
to know认识rèn shi (1, 5)
to knowshí (5)
knowledgeshí (5)


laborgōng (4)
to lackchà (8)
languagewén (5)
languageyǔ (4)
largedà (3)
last month上个月shàng ge yuè (9)
laterhòu (8)
later以后yǐ hòu (7)
laughlè (9)
to learnxué (1)
to learn学习xué xí (4)
to leaveqù (5)
length of time时候shí hou (5)
lessonkè (8)
lettershū (5)
letterzì (1)
Li (Chinese surname)Lǐ (5.p)
li, a Chinese unit of length = 1lǐ (4)
library图书馆tú shū guǎn (8)
lie betweenjiè (3)
lifeshēng (1)
to listentīng (6)
literarywén (5)
a little一点儿yì diǎn er (4)
(located) atzài (3)
Long (a surname)lóng (9)
(long) duration of timejiǔ (1)
(long) timejiǔ (1)
to look atkàn (5)
lowdī (10, 10)
lowerxià (8)
to lower (one's head)dī (10)
lunch午饭wǔ fàn (8)


Madame太太tài tai (2)
majordà (3)
to makezuò (7)
to makezuò (4)
Mandarin (common language)普通话pǔ tōng huà (6)
mannerbān (8)
mannerfēng (10)
manneryàng (4)
maptú (8)
mastershī (1)
maynéng (5)
May I ask your name?贵姓guì xìng (1)
May I ask...请问qǐng wèn (1)
mewǒ (1)
mealfàn (8)
meaningyì (7)
a measure wordbān (8)
(a measure word)diǎn (4, 8)
(a measure word)gè (2)
(a measure word)kè (8)
(a measure word)kǒu (2)
medicalyī (5)
medicineyī (5)
to meetjiàn (1)
merelyzhǐ (4)
merry快乐kuài lè (9)
Metso (Finnish company)美卓Měi zhuó (7.p)
midday中午zhōng wǔ (8)
middlezhōng (3, 5)
mine我的wǒ de (1)
to missxiǎng (6)
mister先生xiān sheng (2)
(a modal particle indicating polite suggestion)ba (5)
modernjīn (9)
moment时候shí hou (5)
monthyuè (9)
moonyuè (9)
morehái (4)
mother妈妈mā ma (2)
mouthkǒu (2)
Mrs.太太tài tai (2)
mustyào (5)
my我的wǒ de (1)


namemíng (1)
a napjiào (8)
nearbàng (10)
(negative prefix for verbs)méi (2)
(negative prefix)bù (1)
nevertheless还是hái shì (7)
newsfēng (10)
newspaperbào (10)
nextmíng (5)
next (week, etc.)xià (8)
next month下个月xià ge yuè (9)
next year明年míng nián (9)
nice and cold凉快liáng kuai (10)
nobù (1)
no没有méi yǒu (2)
no, it is nothing哪里nǎ li (4)
nobleguì (1)
Nokia (mobile phone company in Finland)诺基亚Nuò jī yà (4.p)
noonwǔ (5)
noon中午zhōng wǔ (8)
notbù (1)
notméi (2)
not没有méi yǒu (2)
not bad不错bú cuò (6)
(not) yethái (4)
nowxiàn (4)
now现在xiàn zài (4)
nowadays现在xiàn zài (4)
numberhào (9)


O'clockshí (8)
o'clockdiǎn (4, 8)
obeycóng (3)
obeytīng (6)
observecóng (3)
occasionallyshí (5)
occupationyè (7)
ofde (1)
oftencháng (7)
OKxíng (5)
...OK?ba (5)
okayxíng (5)
old (of people)lǎo (1)
on account ofwèi (5)
on account of因为yīn wèi (5)
on topshàng (8)
once一遍yí biàn (6)
once morezài (1)
(one's) surname isxìng (1)
oneselfzì (3)
onlyzhǐ (4)
openkāi (8)
operate (vehicle)kāi (8)
oppressivekè (8)
or还是hái shì (7)
orderchéng (4, 7)
ordinary一般yì bān (8)
outstanding talent or wisdomyīng (5)
owing to因为yīn wèi (5)
own自己zì jǐ (3)


particular特别tè bié (10)
partybāng (5)
pass throughjīng (10)
patternyàng (4)
peoplerén (2)
periodshí (8)
period时候shí hou (5)
a period of timeqī (9)
personrén (2)
(a person's) name名字míng zi (1)
phaseqī (9)
piecepiàn (1)
a place for cultural or sports activitiesguǎn (8)
pleasantly cool凉快liáng kuai (10)
please (do sth)qǐng (1)
pointdiǎn (4)
poorchà (8)
(possessive particle)de (1)
to practicexí (4)
preciousguì (1)
(a prefix used before the surname)lǎo (1)
to prepareyù (10)
presentjīn (9)
presentxiàn (4)
to present介绍jiè shào (3)
pretty good不错bú cuò (6)
previous or last (week, etc.)shàng (8)
problemnán (6)
project工程gōng chéng (7)
(pron.) thatnà (2)
pronunciation发音fā yīn (6)
publicgōng (7)


quarter (hour)kè (8)
(question tag)ma (1)
quite比较bǐ jiào (10)


to rain下雨xià yǔ (10)
rankbān (8)
rather比较bǐ jiào (10)
to read aloudniàn (8)
rearhòu (8)
reasonyīn (5)
to recognizerèn (5)
to recognize认识rèn shi (1, 5)
(reflexive pronoun)自己zì jǐ (3)
to regard aszuò (4)
regularly经常jīng cháng (10)
regulationschéng (4, 7)
remarkhuà (6)
to removeqù (5)
reportbào (10)
to returnhuí (8)
right不错bú cuò (6)
...right?ba (5)
rude不客气bú kè qì (1)
rulechéng (4, 7)


sacred bookjīng (10)
same一般yì bān (8)
satellitexīng (9)
to sayshuō (4)
schoolxiào (8)
school学校xué xiào (8)
scripturejīng (10)
seasonhòu (5)
seasonshí (8)
a second timezài (1)
to seejiàn (1)
to seekàn (5)
selfjǐ (3)
selfzì (3)
self自己zì jǐ (3)
severaljǐ (2, 8)
shapeyàng (4)
shetā (2)
short ofchà (8)
sincezì (3)
sir先生xiān sheng (2)
sisters姐妹jiě mèi (2)
situation气候qì hòu (10)
skytiān (5)
a sleepjiào (8)
to sleepshuì (8)
to sleep睡觉shuì jiào (8)
slicepiàn (1)
a slicepiàn (1)
slowmàn (6)
smallxiǎo (8)
small amountxīng (9)
to snow下雪xià xuě (10)
so as toyǐ (7)
sometimes有时候yǒu shí hou (8)
son儿子ér zi (2)
sortbān (8)
to speakshuō (4)
specialtè (10)
speechyǔ (4)
spoken language口语kǒu yǔ (6)
spring (season)春天chūn tiān (10)
squadbān (8)
stageqī (9)
standard标准biāo zhǔn (6)
standarddù (10)
starxīng (9)
to start开始kāi shǐ (5)
startkāi (8)
stateguó (3)
stillhái (4, 4)
still还是hái shì (7)
(structual particle)de (1)
a structural particle used after a verb as a complement of degreede (4)
student学生xué sheng (1)
studyyè (7)
to studyxí (4)
to studyxué (1)
to study学习xué xí (4)
stylefēng (10)
suffixme (4)
summer夏天xià tiān (10)
sunrì (4)
sunny晴天qíng tiān (10)
to supportbāng (5)
(surname)lè (9)
Sweden瑞典Ruì diǎn (3.p)
symbolzì (1)


tallgāo (10)
Tampere University of Technology坦佩雷理工大学Tǎn pèi léi lǐ gōng dà xué (4.p, 7.p)
Tampere, third city in Finland坦佩雷Tǎn pèi léi (3.p)
task工作gōng zuò (4)
to teachjiāo (5)
teacher老师lǎo shī (1)
teachershī (1)
teacher先生xiān sheng (2)
teambān (8)
temperaturewēn (10)
temporaryxíng (5)
termqī (9)
to thank谢谢xiè xie (1)
(the) mostzuì (10)
there beyǒu (2)
thinpiàn (1)
to thinkxiǎng (6)
thinkkàn (5)
thisjīn (9)
thiszhè (1, 2)
this year今年jīn nián (9)
timehòu (5)
timeshí (5, 8)
time时候shí hou (5)
tinyxiǎo (8)
(title of respect)先生xiān sheng (2)
todayjīn (9)
tomorrow明天míng tiān (5)
tooyě (1)
towards evening傍晚bàng wǎn (10)
to travelxíng (5)
to treatyī (5)
twoliǎng (2)
two friends两个朋友liǎng ge péng you (2)


underxià (8)
to undergojīng (10)
to understanddǒng (6)
to understandmíng (5)
undertaking工程gōng chéng (7)
university大学dà xué (3)
University of Tampere坦佩雷大学Tǎn pèi léi dà xué (4.p)
unusualtè (10)
unusual特别tè bié (10)
uponshàng (8)
uppershàng (8)
to useyǐ (7)
used after a verb to indicate a brief action一下儿yí xiàr (3)


veryhěn (1)
visitorkè (1)
vitalyào (5)


waithòu (5)
to walkxíng (5)
to wantxiǎng (6)
to wantyào (5)
warmwēn (10)
warm uprè (10)
waybān (8)
wayyàng (4)
weather天气tiān qì (10)
week星期xīng qī (9)
wellhǎo (1)
what什么shén me (1)
what time什么时候shén me shí hou (5)
what's your name?贵姓guì xìng (1)
whenshí (8)
when什么时候shén me shí hou (5)
when night falls傍晚bàng wǎn (10)
where哪儿nǎ r (3)
whichnǎ (3)
while (doing sth)zhōng (5)
whoshuí (2)
why为什么wèi shén me (5)
will doxíng (5)
willing (to do sth)高兴gāo xìng (1)
windfēng (10)
winter冬天dōng tiān (10)
to wishxiǎng (6)
to wishzhù (9)
wishyì (7)
withgēn (7)
withhé (2)
withyǐ (7)
withinlǐ (4)
withinzhōng (3, 5)
wordhuà (6)
wordzì (1)
workgōng (4)
work工作gōng zuò (4, 4)
a work shiftbān (8)
workergōng (4)
to writexiě (4)
writingwén (5)


yearnián (4)
yes是的 shì de (3)
yesterdayzuó (9)
yesterday昨天zuó tiān (9)
yethái (4)
you (formal)nín (1)
you (sing.)nǐ (1)
you're welcome不客气bú kè qì (1)
youngxiǎo (8)
younger brother弟弟dì di (2)
younger sister妹妹mèi mei (2)
your (name)guì (1)


zerolíng (9)

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