Elementary Course Word List

Lesson 1 New Words

you (sing.)
hǎogood, well
I, me
jiàoto call, to be called
shìto be
xuéto learn, to study
shēngto be born, to give birth, life, to grow
学生xué shengstudent
maan interrogative particle, (question tag)
什么shén mewhat
letter, symbol, character, word
名字míng zi(a person's) name
谢谢xiè xieto thank
qǐngplease (do sth)
wènto ask
请问qǐng wènMay I ask...
nínyou (formal)
guìexpensive, noble, your (name), precious
xìng(one's) surname is, family name
贵姓guì xìngwhat's your name?, May I ask your name?
lǎo(a prefix used before the surname), old (of people)
shīteacher, master, expert
老师lǎo shīteacher
also, too
de(structual particle), (possessive particle), of
我的wǒ demy, mine
piàna slice, piece, flake, thin, slice
名片míng piànbusiness card
(negative prefix), not, no
customer, visitor, guest
air, anger, gas
不客气bú kè qìyou're welcome, impolite, rude, blunt, don't mention it
jiǔ(long) time, (long) duration of time
neHow about(interrogative particle)
zàiagain, once more, a second time
jiànto see, to meet, to appear (to be sth), to interview
再见zài jiàngoodbye
高兴gāo xìnghappy, glad, willing (to do sth), in a cheerful mood
早上zǎo shangearly morning
晚上wǎn shang evening
认识rèn shito know, to be familiar with, to recognize

Lesson 1 Proper Nouns

李明lǐ míngChinese name
wángChinese surname

Lesson 2 New Words

(pron.) that, (conj) then
爸爸bà bafather
妈妈mā mamother
先生xiān shengsir, mister, teacher, (title of respect)
太太tài taiMrs., Madame
he, him
女儿nǚ érdaughter
儿子ér zison
jiāfamily, home, house
yǒuto have, there be
how much, how many, several, a few
kǒumouth, (a measure word)
rénperson, people
弟弟dì diyounger brother
哥哥gē geelder brother
妹妹mèi meiyounger sister
姐姐jiě jieelder sister
兄弟xiōng dìbrothers
姐妹jiě mèisisters
méi(negative prefix for verbs), have not, not
没有méi yǒunot, no, haven't
liǎngboth, two, 50g
(a measure word), individual
朋友péng youfriend
两个朋友liǎng ge péng youtwo friends
and, with

Lesson 3 New Words

guócountry, state
是的 shì deyes
jièintroduce, lie between
shàoto introduce
介绍jiè shàoto present, introduction, to introduce
一下儿yí xiàrused after a verb to indicate a brief action
from, self, oneself, since
6th heavenly stem, self
自己zì jǐself, (reflexive pronoun), own
cóngfrom, obey, observe, follow
láito come
big, huge, large, major, great, eldest
大学dà xuéuniversity
zhōngwithin, among, in, middle, center, China, Chinese
zài(located) at, in, exist
哪儿nǎ rwhere

Lesson 3 Proper Nouns

芬兰Fēn lán Finland
瑞典Ruì diǎnSweden
坦佩雷Tǎn pèi léiTampere, third city in Finland

Lesson 4 New Words

gōngwork, worker, labor
zuòto regard as, compodr, to make
工作gōng zuòjob, work, construction, work, task
chéngrule, order, regulations, formula, journey
工程gōng chéngengineering, an engineering project
工程师gōng chéng shīengineer
huìbe able to
shuōto speak, to say
dialect, language, speech
day, sun, dayly
日本rì běnJapan, Japanese
芬兰语fēn lán yǔFinnish (language)
zàiadv. indicating an action in progress
dea structural particle used after a verb as a complement of degree
li, a Chinese unit of length = 1, 2 kilometer, within, inside
哪里nǎ lino, it is nothing
zhǐonly, merely, just, but
xiěto write
háialso, in addition, more, still, else, still, yet, (not) yet
hànthe Han(nationality), Chinese
汉语hàn yǔChinese language
diǎno'clock, (a measure word), point, dot
一点儿yì diǎn era little, a bit
xiànappear, present, now, current
现在xiàn zàinow, nowadays
汉字Hàn zìChinese character
yàngmanner, pattern, way, appearance, shape
怎么样zěn me yànghow?, how about?, how was it?, how are things?
to practice, to study, habit
学习xué xíto learn, to study

Lesson 4 Proper Nouns

诺基亚Nuò jī yàNokia (mobile phone company in Finland)
坦佩雷大学Tǎn pèi léi dà xuéUniversity of Tampere
坦佩雷理工大学Tǎn pèi léi lǐ gōng dà xuéTampere University of Technology

Lesson 5 New Words

néngcan, may, capable, able
bāngto assist, to support, to help, group, gang, party
wèifor, on account of
为什么wèi shén mewhy, for what reason
yīncause, reason, because
因为yīn wèibecause, owing to, on account of
medical, medicine, doctor, to cure, to treat
yuàncourtyard, institution
医院yī yuànhospital
yàoimportant, vital, to want, to be going to, must
to go, to leave, to remove
ba(a modal particle indicating polite suggestion), ...right?, ...OK?
jiāoto teach
yīngoutstanding talent or wisdom, flower, brave
英语yīng yǔEnglish (language)
shítime, hour, occasionally
hòuwait, await, time, season
时候shí houtime, length of time, moment, period
什么时候shén me shí houwhat time, when
开始kāi shǐto begin, to start
míngclear, bright, to understand, next
tiānday, sky, heaven
明天míng tiāntomorrow
11 a.m.-1 p.m., 7th earthly branch, noon
下午xià wǔafternoon
xíngall right, capable, competent, OK, okay, to go, to do, to travel, temporary, to walk, to go, will do
rènto recognize, to know, to admit
shíto know, knowledge
认识rèn shibe acquainted with, to know, to be familiar with, to recognize
kànit depends, think, to see, to look at
zhōngwithin, among, in, middle, center, while (doing sth), during, China, Chinese
wénlanguage, culture, writing, formal, literary
中文zhōng wénChinese language
shūbook, letter

Lesson 5 Proper Nouns

Li (Chinese surname)

Lesson 6 New Words

tīngto listen, hear, obey
dǒngto understand
普通话pǔ tōng huàMandarin (common language)
可是kě shìbut, however
要是...就yào shì ... jiùif...then
流利liú lìfluent
不错bú cuòcorrect, right, not bad, pretty good
发音fā yīnpronunciation
标准biāo zhǔnstandard
xiǎngto think, to wish, to want, to miss
到...去dào ... qùto go to a place
觉得jué deto feel
huàword, remark
对不起duì bu qǐ(I'm) sorry, forgive me
一遍yí biànonce
几个jǐ gea few
口语kǒu yǔspoken language
nándifficult (to...), problem, difficulty, difficult

Lesson 6 Proper Nouns

美国měi guóAmerica
大卫dà wèiDavid

Lesson 7 New Words

to finish, to complete
business, occupation, study
毕业bì yègraduation, to graduate, to finish school
to use, according to, so as to, in order to, by, with
以后yǐ hòuafter, later, afterwards, in the future
gōngjust, honorable (designation), public, common
公司gōng sī(business) company
chéngrule, order, regulations, formula, journey
工程gōng chéngengineering, an engineering project, project, undertaking
gēnwith, to follow
zuòto do, to make
idea, meaning, wish, desire
生意shēng yìbusiness
还是hái shìor, still, nevertheless

Lesson 7 Proper Nouns

坦佩雷理工大学Tǎn pèi léi lǐ gōng dà xuéTampere University of Technology
杭州Háng zhōuHangzhou (city in China)
美卓Měi zhuóMetso (Finnish company)

Lesson 8 New Words

niànto read aloud
měievery, each
每天měi tiānevery day
class, lesson
有课yǒu kèto have lessons
diǎn(a measure word), o'clock
学校xué xiàoschool
中午zhōng wǔnoon, midday
chīto eat
fànfood, cuisine, cooked rice, meal
午饭wǔ fànlunch
下午xià wǔafternoon
diagram, map, drawing, chart
guǎnhall, a place for cultural or sports activities
图书馆tú shū guǎnlibrary
huíto return, to go back
bānsort, kind, class, way, manner
一般yì bānsame, ordinary, common, general
shuìto sleep
jiàoa nap, a sleep
睡觉shuì jiàoto go to bed, to sleep
shàngon top, upon, previous or last (week, etc.), upper
bānteam, class, rank, squad, a work shift, a measure word
上班shàng bānto go to work
有时候yǒu shí housometimes
chūto go or come out
出去chū qùto go out
kāiopen, operate (vehicle), start
开会kāi huìhave a meeting
xiàunder, next (week, etc.), lower, below, to go down
下班xià bānto come or go or get off work
hòuback, behind, rear, afterwards, after, later
dōuall, both, entirely (due to)each, even, already
how many, how much, several
chàdifferent, short of, poor, to lack
quarter (hour), (a measure word), to carve, to engrave, to cut, oppressive
xiǎosmall, tiny, few, young
shíO'clock, time, when, hour, season, period
小时xiǎo shíhour
下课xià kèclass is over

Lesson 9 New Words

xīngstar, satellite, small amount
a period of time, phase, stage, term, to hope
星期xīng qīweek
hàoday of a month, number
yuèmonth, moon
昨天zuó tiānyesterday
下个月xià ge yuènext month
上个月shàng ge yuèlast month
jīntoday, modern, present, current, this
今年jīn niánthis year
língzero, 0
明年míng niánnext year
lóngdragon, imperial, Long (a surname)
zhùto wish, to express good wishes
生日shēng rìbirthday
(surname), happy, laugh, cheerful
快乐kuài lèhappy, merry

Lesson 10 New Words

air, anger, gas
气候qì hòuclimate, atmosphere, situation
天气tiān qìweather
春天chūn tiānspring (season)
夏天xià tiānsummer
秋天qiū tiānautumn
冬天dōng tiānwinter
("-er than"), to compare, to contrast
jiàodistinct, compare
比较bǐ jiàocompare, contrast, fairly, quite, rather
liángcool, cold
凉快liáng kuainice and cold, pleasantly cool
heat, to heat up, fervent, hot (of weather), warm up
special, unusual, extraordinary
特别tè biéespecially, particular, unusual
jīngclassics, sacred book, pass through, to undergo, scripture
经常jīng chángeveryday, day-to-day, frequently, regularly
capacity, degree, standard
听说tīng shuōbe heard, to be told
guāblow (of the wind)
fēngwind, news, style, custom, manner
zuì(the) most, -est
gāohigh, tall
to lower (one's head), low, to incline, beneath, low
下雨xià yǔto rain
下雪xià xuěto snow
to advance, in advance, beforehand, to prepare
bàoto announce, to inform, report, newspaper
预报yù bàoforecast
qíngclear, fine (weather)
晴天qíng tiānsunny
傍晚bàng wǎnin the evening, when night falls, towards evening
wēnwarm, temperature
气温qì wēnair temperature

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